James Cook University Singapore

FAQ for JCU Master of Psychology (Clinical) | Clinical Psychology Frequently Asked Questions

There’s definitely a lot of demand for clinical psychology judging from the number of enquiries we get on a yearly basis. These are the frequently asked questions from my years of answering enquiries at James Cook University Singapore.

When is the application period? Is it all year round?

No. The application period is only between June to October of the year prior. For example, the application window for the 2021 intake will be from June to October 2020.

Can I apply with a UK/US Psychology Honours degree?

It depends. If your degree is deemed the equivalent to an Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Level 8 Bachelor of Psychology Honours degree with an award level of at least Class IIA (Second Upper).

But if you’re asking this question, you probably graduated from one of these two degree programmes:

  • US university taught out of a private institute in Clementi
  • UK university taught out of a private institute in Queenstown

Generally, graduates from the institutes above will not meet the entry requirements and need to enroll into the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) to complete the research component and qualify for the programme.

This is not so much a case of the Australian system being superior to the US/UK system, but rather, a case of the different international systems not being aligned.

I have a Master of Counselling do I meet the entry requirements?

No. You will need a degree that is deemed the equivalent to an Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Level 8 Bachelor of Psychology Honours degree with an award level of at least Class IIA (Second Upper).

Do I get advanced standing/credit transfer if I have a relevant degree?

No. The relevant degree is an entry requirement and does not afford you any advanced standing in the programme.

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