Higher Education

SGUnited Traineeships Open to Private University Graduates!!!

Some amazing news for the class of 2020.

The government had originally planned to have 8000 traineeship positions to help fresh graduates as they’ll be entering the job market at a pretty crappy time.

At the announcement of the Fortitude budget on 26th May, it was announced that the number of SGUnited Traineeship positions will increase from 8000 to 21,000! The good news for graduates of private universities and overseas institutions is that they’re also eligible to apply for the traineeships that pay between $1800 and $2500 a month, of which 80% is co-funded by the Singapore government.

This relatively good news comes in the wake of reports that the Singapore economy is expected to shrink by up to 7% – 4%. This means that we’re about to face the worse recession since our country’s independence.

For full details please visit: https://www.wsg.gov.sg/SGUnitedTraineeships-Trainees.html

Full transcript:

If you’re a fresh graduate or graduating in the coming month, this video is for you!
Back in March 2020, the Singapore government announced that they’d be opening up 8000 traineeship positions to help fresh graduates deal with this COVID-19 pandemic. This will benefit graduates from the ITEs, polytechnics, autonomous universities, private universities and… overseas institutions.

Yes, that’s right! Private university grads are eligible to apply for this SGUnited Traineeship scheme. Under this scheme, 80% of the traineeship allowance will be paid for by the Singapore government through Workforce Singapore (WSG) while the company pays 20%. But during the announcement for the Fortitude budget on 26th of May, the Singapore government announced that they’ll be increasing the number of traineeship positions from 8000 to… 21,000!

Singaporeans and Singapore PRs will be able to view the traineeship opportunities by searching #sgunitedtraineeships on the MyCareersFuture.sg portal from the 1st of June onwards. I’d recommend all fresh graduates create an account on the MyCareersFuture.sg portal and get in touch with your career services team at your institution to get tips on resume writing and how to ace your remote interview.

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